Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Globalists Telegraphing Their Next Move?

Globalists Telegraph Their Next Move: An Attack Upon Our Electrical Grid Blamed Upon Russia

In this April 17th story by Susan Duclos on ANP she reports the globalists are now herding Americans towards a single belief as widespread cyber attacks take down websites across the net such as Twitter: "The Russians did it!"

While the headline plastered upon the Drudge Report from CBS Philly was "Officials Warn Russian Hackers Targeting U.S. Routers", the Daily Mail reported on Monday that the FBI has just warned Russian hackers could launch cyber attacks upon millions of laptops, phones and 'critical infrastructure' such as US power grids, with a joint statement from London and Washington DC stating "Russian sponsored hackers are gaining control of internet routers worldwide". 

Is something much more sinister now being planned by the globalists, something that Americans will automatically think 'Russia did it', with a false flag take down of our electrical grid now in the works? As Dr Peter Vincent Pry has warned, a long-term electrical grid down scenario in America could lead to the deaths of 90% or more of the US population in the following year to 18 months from starvation, exposure and everything else that will follow with 324 million Americans living on the infrastructure of the dark ages. 

As Susan pointed out in her ANP story, the Norse live attack map showed that the huge majority of cyber attacks that took down Twitter and other parts of the web on Tuesday came from WITHIN America! While we'd love to believe the FBI and other government agencies have the best interests of the American people in mind, with SOME within that same organization STILL continually pushing the false Russia-Trump collussion narrative, should we trust them on their Russian cyber attack warning? 

We also remind you here of this December of 2016 story from the Washington Post in which they reported that Russia had hacked a Vermont power company, a story which was proven to be 'fake news' shortly thereafter. So, why do the globalists continue to falsely push this 'Russia hacked the grid' themeunless THEY plan on taking down the grid, blaming it upon Russia?  

Certainly the electrical grid and the internet going down here in America, long-term, while killing off the majority of Americans, would benefit any globalists now under investigation here for treason or any other crimes they might be under investigaton for. Might those same globalists attempt to pull off a false flag attack upon our grid, with the mainstream media and govt blaming it upon the Russians, only to swiftly 'extricate' themselves from the 'sinking ship' called America by escaping to their bunkers or New Zealand bolt-holes or some other far away place such as Jeffrey Epstein's island

As we've previously reported on ANP, America's 'achilles heal' is our electrical grid. While allowing us to accomplish the amazing technological growth that we've undergone over the past several decades, bringing us all of the amenities that makes our lives 'modern', most of us have also become TOTALLY dependent upon it in our day-to-day lives.

And whether via a cyber attack, a solar flare from the sun or a devastating EMP attack, it's easy to understand why Dr Pry and other EMP experts warn the electrical grid down here in America long-term would immediately bring about TEOTWAWKI. And as Dr Pry also warned in this story on ANP, for some reason, the electrical power industry is working hand-in-glove with holdovers from the Obama administration in the Department of Energy AGAINST protecting the grid. WHY???

With the globalists pushing the masses to 'blame Russia' should there be a long-term grid down scenario, it's easy to see how quickly they could take complete control with the internet no longer available to offer alternative opinions as to what happened to take the grid down, it'd be quite easy for the 'deep state' to take America to war with Russia with no resistance. 

With such a long-term grid outage giving the globalists here in America everything they need to go to war with a nation that could complete our destruction with Russia's 'satan 2' nukes taking out areas the size of Texas or New York, will those who truly seek to destroy the world be successful at manipulating us into a war between America and Russia? 


Dee mac said...

Scott have you been keeping an eye on Q? What do you make of this video everyone is talking about? Do you beleive it? I watched a video last night and the guy gave a description about what is happening in this video with HRC performing a sacrifice. I apologise in advance to anyone who might be affected by this video, but if it's true everyone needs to know.

Dee mac said...

With all these types of revelations coming online is there any surprise they want to take down the Internet. I have never been exposed to this kind of evil. But yet millions will still stick their heads in the sand and shrug it of.

Anonymous said...

Q is a joke. So is Trump - he constantly throws the triple six and the satanic triangle hand signs.

I think we're being tested to see how far we're going to accept our enslavement.

Now is the time to revolt.